Petro van der Merwe
May 14, 2016
How I painted bubbles in watercolor
"Bubblemaster" This was actually the first time I attempted to paint bubbles. After posting this drawing to my Facebook page, someone...

Petro van der Merwe
May 9, 2016
Artefects23: Why An Art Blog?
It took me more than a year before I finally published the website for Artefects23. If you've ever created your own website, you'll know...

Petro van der Merwe
Apr 30, 2016
The Best Thank You Ever
A personal art story I'd like to share with you. For me, and probably most artists, the best part of a drawing or painting is watching...

Petro van der Merwe
Apr 10, 2016
Progress timelapse video of a black cat in pastel pencils
In this video I'm sharing with you a drawing I made using Faber Castell Pitt Pastels. It's a portrait of my own cat, Sherlock, a...