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Artefects23: Why An Art Blog?

It took me more than a year before I finally published the website for Artefects23. If you've ever created your own website, you'll know exactly what I mean when I say it's hours and hours of work.. In all fairness I did enjoy every single minute of it! It's a creative process and being creative is what this page is mainly about. That, and sharing my art journey with you.

But that's not the point of this post. The point is, I could have published my site a lot sooner. By continuously editing and changing then this, then that, I was convincing myself that my site just wasn't ready yet for the whole wide world to see (and hopefully enjoy).

I'm not a procrastinator in the morbid, there's-a-mountain-in-front-of-me-and-I'll-have-to-climb-it-sooner-or-later way. More I'm-a-pain-in-my-own-backside-obsessive-compulsive-perfectionist-never-happy-and-far-too-critical way.

Why the delay, you ask? Because I had NO idea what to write in my first blog post!!! Phew, that's out in the open now..!

For some reason I was convinced that I simply cannot publish my website before having at least one blog post ready. So, I decided that my first post will be about, well, why I'm writing an art blog in the first place.

"What's the use?" I kept asking myself. I work full-time (blehhh) and I have no formal tuition in art. What could I possibly have to offer anyone visiting my website?

Now, I'm sure the question has been asked and answered many times over, but here's my five cents worth. Let me just first add that I'm not going to bore you with facts, figures, statistics and what-not. I'm writing this from the (he)art.. see what I did there? Anyway...

A Creative Outlet

So, I think the answer is actually quite simple: I'm writing an art blog because, for me, it's finding a quick fix to built up creative energy, but in a different form and whenever inspiration hits me over the head. Unfortunately, or fortunately, that is mostly sitting behind my desk at the before-mentioned day job...

In this busy day and age, finding time for hobbies and our own creative well being, is simply not always possible. So getting to write about art projects, new ideas and expressing what comes to mind when I'm working on a new project, or just sharing the story behind a specific piece, could temporarily fulfill the creative urge that creeps up and gnaws away at my soul, while life is happening around me.

I'm certainly not a writer and don't have a degree in literature or anything fancy like that, but that doesn't mean I can't write (read blog) about my experiences as an aspiring full time artist.

Making entries in my blog, editing, shaping and re-arranging words and sentences, feels a lot like creating a piece of art to me. When I'm done, and finally satisfied, I can sit back and read it, and experience the same joy and feeling of fulfillment as when I just successfully completed a drawing or painting. Like any piece of art, but not to look at, rather to read and share with you in the same way I would share new artwork. Writing creatively, playing around with beautiful words and phrases, expressing thoughts, coloring in ideas and rendering it in my own individual style and manner. Isn't that the same as creating art?

Sharing Stories

I have hundreds of art projects and ideas floating around, or should I say gathering moss, inside my head. Each one an Enigma with its own reason for being there.

So much more than meets the eye lies behind every single piece of art; the background story as such. It could be a story about the reference photo, or about the process of the drawing itself, or what inspired the drawing. These are all essential and exciting parts of the essence and soul of the artwork.

Blogging about new projects and sharing the stories behind them might actually help me focus my thoughts, put things into perspective. So many times I feel that a painting or drawing is just not done or complete. Maybe it's because of the untold story, the fear that people will get to see the artwork but not know, or understand, why it was created in the first place.

By having a platform where I can share the detail of the thoughts, emotions and journey behind a piece, could bring that much needed and understated feeling of closure, and also put to rest the need to explain everything. Now I can share my artwork AND it's story. Instead of getting frustrated and distracted by hundreds of thoughts milling around inside my head, I can now simply sit down and blog about it!


The last thought I want to put out there is probably the most important. By sharing my journey and all that everyday life throws at me as a part-time artist, could actually mean the difference between simply existing in the cold, impersonal world of cyber space, or embracing my audience, drawing them into my world, making them a part of the experience. Letting you know about the thought processes, the 'happy' mistakes and maybe even the not-so-happy ones, the trials and triumphs too! A warm and inviting platform to share stories, ask questions, give feedback and so much more. Simply making that connection.

If you're dreading writing your first blog, or not publishing your website because of it, read this again. Go online and read other art blogs. Get inspired, get creative, get connected, speak from your heart and start writing something. Share your fears, ideas, stories or whatever you feel like sharing. Someone out there can relate, wants to know more, wants to connect.

And if all else fails, always remember to

...follow your art...♥



Mandarin duck

Mandarin duck



Sherlock watermerk

Sherlock watermerk

















Keizer watermerk

Keizer watermerk






























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