The Best Thank You Ever
A personal art story I'd like to share with you.
For me, and probably most artists, the best part of a drawing or painting is watching the reaction on someones face when they see it for the first time. Good or bad, seeing the emotion dance across their face and in their eyes, is the true acknowledgement and appreciation of backbreaking hours working at your ‘masterpiece’, sometimes even wondering if you’ll keep at it or just call it quits. I’ve witnessed many of these expressions in the last few years, but recently I had an experience I’ll never, ever forget.
Hearing we were going to visit my dad, whose health has taken a serious and irreversible knock in the last 18 months, and whom I haven’t seen in almost three years due to distance and the cost of traveling, I wanted to do something special for him. I went through some old family albums and found a very small, but perfect vintage photograph, taken in the late 1960’s of my dad and my granddad. My dad always speaks with so much respect and awe of his own father (my granddad).
I made a drawing of this old photograph, and enjoyed every minute of it. Rendering facial expression on a small scale is quite difficult, but I think it turned out decent in the end. I couldn’t wait to give it to my dad! But his reaction completely took me by surprise: he instantly recognized it, silent tears streaming down his cheeks while clutching the drawing in his hands. Every tear a quiet thank you.. The BIGGEST thank you I have ever received, a moment I want to remember for the rest of my life. My dad gave me his blessing to share this story and the drawing with you. If you read all of it, I thank you very much, and also for your support on my page and with my art journey so far.
Thanks again and remember …follow your art… ♥