Progress timelapse video of a black cat in pastel pencils
In this video I'm sharing with you a drawing I made using Faber Castell Pitt Pastels. It's a portrait of my own cat, Sherlock, a beautiful Norwegian Forest Cat. The drawing was done in 2013 from my own reference picture. Sadly Sherlock passed away in March 2015 at the age of 21.
Just for interest's sake; after reading wonderful pastel pencil artist, Mr Colin Bradley's story on becoming the great artist that he is today, I sent him my own story and a picture of this drawing. I was overwhelmed when he responded and asked my permission to post it to his FB page. Such an honor! Copy and paste the link below in your browser if you'd like to view it there.
This video was put together in Picasa 3, using my progress photographs that I always take while working on a project.
You'll be able to see how I built up the colors to achieve the soft black fur. I learned so much with this drawing, for example, black fur is definitely not created by putting black pencil on paper! I must have layered about 9 to 10 different colors on top of each other to achieve the fluffy black and smokey look of his fur coat.
If you're working in pastel pencils it is handy to know that you will almost always work from dark to light, building up the layers as you go. But that's also the great thing about pastels; it's such a forgiving medium in that you could also use dark colors over lighter areas. For me such a fun medium to work in!
Enjoy watching and remember ...follow your art♥...