Petro van der Merwe
Jul 26, 2017
Pastel Pencil Drawing Of A Lovebird Using Real Time Video Clips For The First Time
This was so exciting; my first time lapse video using real-time video clips! Although the 'footage' was shot using my smart phones' video...

Petro van der Merwe
May 14, 2016
Progress timelapse video of a Flamingo in pastel pencils
"Flamboyant Flamingo" A time lapse video created from progress photos taken while I was drawing this piece. I used Faber Castell Pitt...

Petro van der Merwe
Apr 10, 2016
Progress timelapse video of a black cat in pastel pencils
In this video I'm sharing with you a drawing I made using Faber Castell Pitt Pastels. It's a portrait of my own cat, Sherlock, a...