Pastel Pencil Drawing Of A Lovebird Using Real Time Video Clips For The First Time
This was so exciting; my first time lapse video using real-time video clips! Although the 'footage' was shot using my smart phones' video camera, it still turned out better than I expected. Also, I just had Windows Movie Maker installed on my computer. The video editing possibilities are endless with loads of fun tools and features.
Not nearly as professional or streamlined as many other art videos and tutorials out there, but well, for me an attainment of sorts, since previously my videos were put together using only still photos of in-progress stages of a drawing. I'm still a very long way from narrating or being in front of the camera, but maybe taking this small step is just the encouragement I need to take the next big step!
So many times while busy with a piece of art, I catch myself in a frenzied panic, thinking "I have NO idea what I'm doing..!" More often than not, it is at the 'ugly' stages of a drawing, but unfortunately also the stages where I, as the artist, reach a point where I would rather just bin the project. Therefor I don't think I'll ever have the confidence to sit and draw in front of people, or the camera for that matter...
That said though, when I started drawing this lovebird, the timing felt right to capture what I was doing, to photoengrave the moment of creating my work, on video. Because birds are my favorite subjects to draw, I felt confident that I could create this piece of art showing others how I draw the feathers, blend together layers, put in details and to take them through the process from start to finish. Even if it was just short video clips showing you the rendering of one feather at a time! For the sake of creating a video that is not too tedious and boring, most of the clips are sped up a bit, but you can still catch the gist of the techniques I'm using .
The subject of this drawing is my adopted lovebird, Chippy. This little character came into my life at the end of June 2016, and of course he just had to have his portrait drawn! I let him out of his cage while in the studio, so you will see him in the video too, snapshots of him trying to chew up my pencils and 'inspecting' the drawing!
Once again for this drawing I used my favorite medium which is Pastel Pencils (Derwent, Cretacolor, Faber Castell Pitt).
I hope you enjoy this video as much as I enjoyed creating it and the portrait of Chippy. And as always, remember to
...follow your art...♥